Monday, May 31, 2010

Sad: Guatemala Deals With 2 Volcanic Eruptions & 1 Sink Hole

I already mentioned the sinkhole in a previous entry.

It turns out that they lived through 2 volcanic eruptions, also.

News Story Of 2 Volcanic Eruptions
[scroll down to bottom of their page to see their story]

Sad: 2 Year Old Smokes Cigarettes

It bothers me so much.

News Story Of 2 Year Old Smoking

Guatemala Sink Hole: Big & Unbelievable

Here is an interesting story. There is a huge hole in a city.

It's what you'd expect to see in a science fiction movie. I wouldn't have expected to the walls of the hole to be so steep, and I wouldn't have expected the hole to be so deep and round.

News Story With Image


Sunday, May 30, 2010

New TV Show, Starting On August 2: "Legally Blondes"

I'm looking forward to it, because I enjoyed the first movie. I didn't get a chance to watch the second, and I know that remakes or TV versions don't always work so well, but the first movie was better than I expected. Keep reading to find out why I found the first movie very respectable.

Waste Of Time?

I just stayed awake all night, and can't remember what I did. This makes me sad. I hope that it was useful.

Update: I just remembered that I spent all night creating a post about creating a transit map, and relabelling the frequent service transit network.