Thursday, March 31, 2011

Free WHMIS Certification And Training

Usually, WHMIS is taught after hiring, but often times, prospective employers require that we have this training and certification before applying for work. Not having it can really eliminate a lot of great job opportunities.

I found free WHMIS training and certification. I think that it took me less than an hour. Other web sites seem to only give you free training, and make you pay for the certification.


  1. The WHMIS Warble is a folk song that helps you learn WHMIS. It is free and on youtube. The url is

  2. Getting WHMIS certification is definitely easier nowadays as they are made available online. People, wherever they are, can now take the course they desire as they wouldn't have to search for schools or training center offering that course.

  3. WHMIS Course is actually a training that every worker in hazardous places should take. This is to provide safety training and knowledge for an individual before engaging into work at the work site.

  4. I understand you guys wanna put your 2 cents in, but how about you guys put down URL's that people can use.
